Le Voyage de Chihiro(Spirited Away)

Spirited Away is a 2001 Japanese animated coming-of-age fantasy film. It was written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki, animated by Studio Ghibli for Tokuma Shoten, Nippon Television Network, Dentsu, Buena Vista Home Entertainment, Tohokushinsha Film and Mitsubishi and distributed by Toho. Spirited Away tells the story of Chihiro Ogino (Hiiragi), a moody 10-year-old girl who, while moving to a new neighbourhood, enters the world of Kami (spirits) of Japanese Shinto folklore.

Whenever Studio Ghibli films are mentioned, frames overflowing with watercolours that capture the delicate movements of nature and well-loved characters of its anime franchises come to mind. In same spirit Futurepak editon has unique style of watercolours and nature.